Slovakia or Bust

Slovakia or Bust: A chance to see our ancestors' homeland. Or hang out with Marian Hossa, whichever is easier.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Praha - Part 1

We broke up our 7 day stay in the Czech Republic into 3 parts. First is Prague for 3 days.

We took the train from Vienna to Prague which was ok. The ride is long - over 5 hours - but it was a little more entertaining when a couple of little Czech girls joined our seating area. The train had many cars. Each car had many compartments and each compartment had 6 seats. Eric and I had reserved seats because we are fancy like that but the majority of people just get on and find a seat. These girls were heading somewhere with family as an adult man sat with them and a teen boy. There were 4 of them and Eric and I in this area for the majority of the time. They giggled and giggled the whole way. You could tell they were excited to be together. And the loves the two liter of soda they were sharing. They would pass it back and forth trying to make each other laugh. It was nice exposure to happy Czechs.

Once we got to Prague we made our way to the rental we had. We for turned around a bit but eventually found it. We were greeted by Jana who was wearing an Ed Hardy hat and some tight black pleather pants. She was rockin it. And she was super nice.

The view from our balcony was awesome and the apartment itself was really nice. Great find by Eric. It was a little away from the hustle and bustle but that was perfect for us. We were able to explore the neighborhood a little bit.

The town is crazy with tourists. I think it had a lot to do with it being the weekend. Hopefully when we get back it won't be as bad since it will be mid week.

Speaking of crazy, we did see a woman walking a full size tiger as if it was a dog. We assume she has it as a house pet but she could also be in the circus, work for the zoo, or be a carni.

We also had a guy offer us marijuana in the city center. I guess he makes good money off of tourists for him to do it there. He was very sly about it.

We had a good 3 days in Prague. We went to the Czech Beer Festival, where we got to sample some tasty local beers. I got a sweet T-shirt too. We ate at a yummy vegetarian restaurant and hung out where the locals do. And of course we took in the sites - castles, churches, you name it.

Off to Cesky Krumlov and then back for more Prague.

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