Slovakia or Bust

Slovakia or Bust: A chance to see our ancestors' homeland. Or hang out with Marian Hossa, whichever is easier.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Budapest Day 2

After 14 hours of sleep, we were ready to rock. I didn't know that I could sleep 14 consecutive hours anymore. That is sure to make my brother proud. With that in mind, the day basically started at 2. But we made the most of it. Budapest is such a walkable city that you can get anywhere on foot and feel safe at the same time. I serve as the tour guide aka nerd with the maps and books talking about the sites and giving history lessons. Eric just nods and smiles. We covered Margaret Island, City Park, Castle Hill, and everywhere in between. We finished the day with an all you can eat buffet Hungarian style which means all you can drink as well. It was a good opportunity to try multiple dishes and enjoy Hungarian wine at the same time. We have found that Budapest loves smoking, drinking, motorcycles, and making out in public. The US could learn a thing or two. Tomorrow is our last full day here so we are determined to make the best of it. On tap is a run along the Danube, brunch buffet at the hotel, shopping for some fabulous shoes at Mango, playing chess at the thermal bath with some old dudes in speedos, and whatever else Budapest has in store for us. It's crazy to thing that we have 12 more days of this fun but we are loving it.

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