Slovakia or Bust

Slovakia or Bust: A chance to see our ancestors' homeland. Or hang out with Marian Hossa, whichever is easier.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Life in Vienna

Let's be honest,life in Vienna is amazing. They love many things such as eating and drinking but they also take time to slow down and enjoy life. I think there is a lesson or two to be learned there. Of course, vacation takes on a different element. You don't have work, chores, and other responsibilities to deal with on a daily basis so the grind isn't there to get to you. Let's say you are looking at life through rose colored glasses. However, bankers hours in Vienna are literally 8 to 3 with an hour lunch where it is closed. If I got off work at 3 I wouldn't feel compelled to get so much done before work. Something to think about as we cram 10 hours of work into a 24 hour day with an hour commute each way. I am sure if you asked someone in Vienna about life they would have complaints but I also think they are quite happy. Another thing they love in Vienna - exercise. Eric already shared the great park experiences we had. It was nice to be able to run and bike without concern. Bike lanes were separate and regulated with lights just like a pedestrian or car. The one suggestion I have for Viennese women, invest in a good sports bra. You can not run 8 kilometers in the same bra that you wore to the office. And I am certain that there is someplace that is happy to properly size you for a bra. Your cup runneth over and not in the good way. Ladies - they still wear nylons. I am not talking about tights. I am talking about suntan nylons. And with sandals. I had been to Vienna once before for a brief visit with a grad school trip and I can tell you that this visit was much more enjoyable and I was happy to be able to take in so much more about the city. yes the food and drink are good but it has so much more to offer. The views from Vienna Woods were breathtaking and the ease of use with public transit was enlightening. The history, the culture, the coffee - amazing. Even our crazy landlord enriched the trip with some local tips. Something you wouldn't get from a hotel concierge. And the palaces. How have I not talked about these palaces yet? Yes, they are big and gaudy but they are also something to see. It's hard to imagine that someone lived there but at the same time they be fancy people and they did need somewhere to live. I can't say that I would do the same but then again I live in a 1000 square foot condo in Ravenswood (which is for sale if anyone is interested in buying it). The summer palace had gardens that went on forever and ever. I enjoyed that one more than the winter one which is in the heart of the city. It was quite spectacular but not as peaceful. I suppose that is why they needed the summer palace. I think I've covered all the Viennese bases - food, drink, culture, palaces, and fashion. I'll be back to discuss my deep thoughts on Bratislava but I've got some touring to do in Prague.

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