Slovakia or Bust

Slovakia or Bust: A chance to see our ancestors' homeland. Or hang out with Marian Hossa, whichever is easier.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Bratislava-my homeland?

For some time now I thought I was Slovak - until I started doing ancestry research and a random call from a distant cousin told me differently. With a name like Reaska you have to be Slovak, right? Well, according to Ellis Island it is Hungarian and according to my estranged cousin it is German. Neither are bad countries to call my homeland but has my life really been a lie all these years. Nevertheless, I was excited to see Bratislava.

Bratislava is very close to Vienna so we were able to tackle it with a day trip. It's about an hour each way via train.

Bratislava like the others we have seen on this trip is very walker friendly. Once our train arrived into the city we got our tourist on.

I was shocked at how many tourists there were there. It was a bit obnoxious. When there aren't a ton of sites everyone funnels around one or two. Of course we were one of them but then ventured off the beaten path for some lunch at a Frommers recommended restaurant. It was delicious. It is here that I was introduced to Diesel - beer and Coke. We got a platter for two which was amazing. It was so rich and tasty with some traditional Slovak dishes.

From there we walked some more. I had made a note that I wanted to see Eurovea but couldn't remember why. Eric obliged my curiosity so we ventured over there. It was marked on the map but there was no description. Of course it was a mall. We didn't go in but it was quite a big mall. The mystery of Eurovea solved.

We then got the crazy idea to climb to the top of the tallest point in the city to the Slavin Memorial. It was a hike. There were some nice houses up there. It was a sight to see but man I was tired after that hike up.

We came we saw we conquered Bratislava.

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