Slovakia or Bust

Slovakia or Bust: A chance to see our ancestors' homeland. Or hang out with Marian Hossa, whichever is easier.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Budapest Day 3

We got ourselves back on track today - up at 8. Went for a jog around Margaret island. I loved it. I think Shannon had fun, but she was less excited than me to get up and jog.

After that, we headed over to the public bathes. Natural springs, heated water full of minerals, old fat guys in speedos playing chess, the whole thing. It took a little whole to get used to the scene and the heat of the water, but eventually we settled in and really enjoyed it. It was very relaxing. We also tried the sauna. You may find this hard to believe, but it was hot in there. We didn't stay in there very long. Apparently you are supposed to jump into the ice cold pool after that, but we were too scared.

After that we headed back to the hotel with the intention of going to the brunch buffet, but neither one of us was feeling it, so we skipped it.

Ended up getting falafel from a street vendor for lunch. We had walked by this place numerous times, so we finally decided to stop in. I think it was worth it.

We got a beer on Linz Planc square, then meandered towards the city center. We took a different route back downtown to see a different part of the city, away from the tourist area. I find it hard to believe that just over 20 years ago this place was under communist rule.

We made it to Vaci Ut - the main walked street. Shannon did some souvenir shopping and some shopping at Mango. I dreamed of my next beer.
Had said beer at the swanky Paris Bar at the Sofitel Hotel. Shannon had some cocktail she loved. Oh, she had ice cream before that. Good day for her.

Headed back to Linz Franc square for dinner. There was some protest at the square and Andrassy Korut. No idea what it was about. I thought there was an American flag. Shannon didn't think so.

Had dinner and a couple fruit drinks at Menza. I had hungarian beef stew, Shannon had a stuffed pepper. Both were delicious. Oh, we had a langos with garlic soup for an appetizer. Lagos is fried dough with sour cream, garlic juice, and shredded cheese. So good. So not healthy.

We were stuffed from dinner. Had a beer at the bar next to the hotel. Now were back at the hotel bar, prepping for Vienna. I can't believe our time in Budapest is over. On to Vienna!

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