Slovakia or Bust

Slovakia or Bust: A chance to see our ancestors' homeland. Or hang out with Marian Hossa, whichever is easier.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Vienna to Cesky Krumlov

So, there are a bunch of options, but I'll try to summarize.

We can take a train from Vienna to Cesky Krumlov, but we probably have to connect through Linz, Prague, and/or Budweis. If we buy the train pass, it's cost effective to travel by train.

A bus ticket from Vienna to CK is about $60/each. The ride is only 3 hours, but it generally leaves at like 1 PM, so you don't get into CK until 4 PM or so.

So, we could travel to to CK Friday morning, spend Friday night there, hike and Saturday, and then either head to Prague and/or Budweis Saturday evening or Sunday morning. I guess I'd like to hike and get drunk in CK. I'd prefer to hike first, but if that take s whole day, we'd have to do that on Saturday, not Friday afternoon.

Or, we could head to Prague Friday, then do a couple days in CK Sunday or Monday. We don't leave until Thursday.

I don't mind keeping our options open, but it would then behoove us to have open-ended lodging plans, i.e. hotels, not apartments. Also, we'll want to pack light, maybe do laundry more than once. That's hard in a hotel, but I'm sure we can pay them to do it, although it expensive. I'm sure places also have laundry mats, I don't think everyone in Europe has their own washer/dryer like we do in the US.

I don't know if we think Linz is worth seeing. We could take a train from Vienna to Linz, look around, then catch an afternoon bus to CK. I think it leaves from Linz at 2, is cheaper, and only takes an hour and a half. It's probably the same bus that left Vienna at 1. But again, that means we don't want to be hauling too much luggage around.


  1. In all my research, I'm having a hard time finding the hiking options for this place. It also looks like it might make sense to do a day trip to Ceske Budejovice if we wanted. It sounds like we don't need a ton of time in Cesky Krumlov. But, I do think it makes most sense to go from Vienna to Prague and then Cesky Krumlov.

  2. We could do this....

  3. I saw info here:

    and here:
