Slovakia or Bust

Slovakia or Bust: A chance to see our ancestors' homeland. Or hang out with Marian Hossa, whichever is easier.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prague Hotels

Here are my Prague hotel suggestions (4 nights: 5/27-5/31 including breakfast and fitness center):

Hotel Julian - 572 USD
Andel's - 719 USD
Park Inn - 647 USD
Eurostars David - 562 USD
Hotel Seven Days - 549 USD


  1. They all look pretty awesome. I thought I'd have an easier time sifting through them.

    Let's eliminate Hotel Seven Days - no free wifi

    And Andel's and Park Inn due to cost.

    So we have Hotel Julian and Eurostars. They both look nice. I love the patio at Julian. However, it's kind of far from public transit.

    Eurostars is a little closer to the main tourist areas.

    None of them look like an easy trip from the train station. And by easy, I mean, get on one bus/train/tram at the train station and don't transfer. I'm sure they're all easily accessible from the train station by public transit, we just might have to take multiple lines. It's Europe, public transit is awesome!

    Rick Steves stays at the Hotel Julian

    Also, #30 of 670 on TripAdvisor

  3. If it's good enough for Rick Steves, it's good enough for me.

  4. It will be funny when it comes out that Rick Steves has like 12 illegitimate European children.

  5. And they are all with this tour guides
