Slovakia or Bust

Slovakia or Bust: A chance to see our ancestors' homeland. Or hang out with Marian Hossa, whichever is easier.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Prague - Eric's Point of View

Shannon already covered the ins and outs of our first weekend in prague. I won't rehash, but would like to share my thoughts on the city.

It was kind of overwhelming at first due to all the tourists, but after I got a feel for it, I found it more enjoyable. It was a more subtlety pretty city than Vienna. It took me a little while to appreciate the architecture, buildings, and winding streets. I think that is because you need to get away from Old Town to truly appreciate it. Don't get me wrong, the castle and medieval town are nice, but the mass of tourists and street peddlers distracts you from that beauty. Im glad we walked across the Charles bridge, but I don't consider it a highlight of my trip. I don't need to be sold some useless trinket in front of every statue.

I enjoyed the sites much more from a bridge over or off the beaten path on Petrin Hill. One of the highlights of. Prague for me was our sunset paddle boat ride on the Vltava. Cool way to see the castle and bridge. Very relaxing, very peaceful. And of course, they let you bring drinks on the boat.

My favorite building was probably the national theater. Something about the gold trim and detailed statues impressed me.

There is a good fashion scene if you're into that. It's not really for me, but Shannon almost convinced mr to buy white loafers, like Marian Hossa. Unfortunate (or fortunately, depends how you look at) my feet are bigger than the average European and the didn't have my size.

Our last day in town we got a little adventurous. We wandered to the town market. It wasn't quite what we expected. We thought it was a farmers market, but it was mostly souvenirs. We also walked into a local watering hole for a couple of beers. It was a blue collar place where people went for a drink after work. One guy was still in his city worker uniform. We didn't really fit in, but people were nice nevertheless. Finally, we walked into a random restaurant for dinner. Mad Bar- a Mexican fusion sort if place. It was near our hotel. The menu was only in Czech and the waitress spoke limited English, but we navigated our way to a delicious meal.

Finally, there is the Czech beer. Amazing, delicious Czech beer. I couldn't possibly pick a favorite, but I will miss them dearly. I might shed a tear the first time I have to drink a Coors Light back home.

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